Cooperation agreement with the vice president for science and technology - Hitco Holding

Cooperation agreement with the vice president for science and technology

Hitco Holding signed a contract with the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology. During this contract, agreements were made to develop and complete several knowledge-based pharmaceutical products. We hope that this contract will be effective for the people of the country and Hitco Holding Group. This ceremony was held with the presence of Dr. Haji Miri, Dr. Kamali and the respected CEO of Hitco.


Knowledge-based companies are private or cooperative institutions that develope science and wealth, economic development based on knowledge and realize scientific and economic goals in line with the expansion of invention and innovation and finally the commercialization of research and development results (including product design , production and services) operate in the field of superior technologies with a lot of added value (especially in the production of related software).


Science and technology parks were formed in the 1980s as one of the social institutions and a link in the technology-based economic development chain. Among the goals of creating technology parks is to increase technological innovation, economic development, and employment of experts, and many policy makers mention technology parks as part of a thoughtful and coordinated strategy for national or regional development.

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