World Breastfeeding week - Hitco Holding

World Breastfeeding week

August 1st to 7th has been designated as World Breastfeeding Week. This week is dedicated to the importance of breastfeeding.

Breast milk reduces the risk of diseases such as asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, ear infections, and stomach infections. It strengthens the child\’s immune system and improves the emotional relationship between mother and child.

This year\’s message of World Breastfeeding Week is \”Making Difference for employed Mothers\”. Some employed mothers may not breastfeed their baby for more than 3 months due to lack of proper facilities. But by making changes like:

Floating working time for mothers

Reducing working time for mothers

Creating an atmosphere like a kindergarten in the company

Mothers can be helped to feed their babies with their own milk.

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