Pediawell complete

Providing the Daily Required Multivitamins for Children and Infants

PediaWell Complete

Providing the Daily Required Multivitamins for Children and Infants


Enriched with 9 essential vitamins, along with iron and folic acid, to meet the daily needs of infants and children, especially those who:
• Are transitioning from breastfeeding to consuming solid and complementary foods
• Are going through a growth phase and may have a reduced appetite or preference for specific foods
• Have celiac disease, as these children are at risk of malnutrition
• Follow a vegetarian diet due to the lack of vitamin B12 in plant-based sources

The Importance of Using PediaWell Complete Drops in Children and Infants:

Optimal mental and physical growth in children requires receiving sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. In fact, they should have a complete diet that includes all food groups present in the food pyramid. Unfortunately, due to changes in lifestyle, inappropriate dietary habits, and the high variety of low-nutrient processed and semi-processed foods nowadays, ensuring the supply of necessary vitamins and minerals has become a challenging task.
Many parents seek more information regarding the role of multivitamins in the growth and health of children. The following are just a small part of the impact that multivitamins have on children’s health:

Multivitamins and Sufficient Physical Growth in Children:
Genetic factors significantly influence the height growth of children, but the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet can have undesirable effects on bone growth. In fact, the increase in height continues as long as the growth plates are still open. If an individual is in the growth stage, a lack of vitamins can hinder natural growth and development. Some vitamins, including B1, B2, C, and D, have a direct impact on the physical growth of children.

Multivitamins and the Enhancement of Concentration and Mental Power in Children:
One of the most significant challenges that parents face in the advancing world today is increasing the concentration and mental power of children, which is becoming increasingly difficult day by day. B-group vitamins, vitamin C, E, and iron play a crucial role in the growth and improvement of children’s brain health. The deficiency of these compounds negatively affects the memory of children, causing them to constantly feel tired and unable to concentrate on mental activities.

Multivitamins and Strengthening the Immune System in Children:
A robust immune system means a reduced risk of various diseases. The consumption of vitamins A, C, D, and E contributes to improving the performance of the body’s immune system. Taking supplements that include these vitamins ensures the child’s health against various viral infections, colds, and fevers.

Multivitamins and Enhancing Children’s Vision:
Out of every four children, one may have vision problems and lacks clear eyesight, often unnoticed by parents. The eyesight of a child is significantly related to their nutrition. Some vitamins, including A, C, E, and D, have a positive impact on enhancing vision and the strength of a child’s eyes

Multivitamins and Increasing a Child’s Appetite:
It is very common for a child to refuse to eat certain foods due to their appearance, color, smell, or taste, a challenge that even the most experienced parents struggle with. Concerns about whether the child is receiving all the necessary nutrients have become one of the major worries for parents.
The consumption of vitamins, especially B-group vitamins, is the most effective way to increase appetite and regulate a child’s metabolism. In fact, taking multivitamins is a simple and reliable solution to address thinness, lack of appetite, and promote weight gain in children.

Vitamin deficiency in children:
In recent decades, dietary patterns have changed. Currently, children show a greater inclination towards excessive consumption of fats and sweetened beverages, while the intake of fruits and vegetables is less compared to the past. Statistics indicate that only one-fifth of children consume the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. Malnutrition or lack of nutrients occurs when a child has not adequately used a specific vitamin or nutrient. Additionally, if the absorption of vitamins is disrupted in the body, even if nutrients are consumed in sufficient quantities, vitamin deficiencies may still occur. Insufficient nutrient intake can lead to various health problems, such as reduced growth, digestive disorders, skin issues, weak bone growth, and short stature.

Why PediaWell?

Prepared and manufactured with raw materials in the United States
Certified with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and FDA approval
Free from sugar and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, suitable for diabetic children.
Devoid of any allergenic substances including starch, milk, lactose, soy, gluten, yeast, fish, alcohol, parabens, and preservatives.
With an exceptional red raspberry flavor.


Vitamin A: Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most significant nutritional challenges in developing countries. According to the World Health Organization estimates, approximately 2.8 to 3 million children under 5 years old experience clinical symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Every year, 500,000 children under 5 years are at risk of blindness due to vitamin A deficiency. In fact, children aged 6 months to 6 years are the most vulnerable age group to vitamin A deficiency because of their rapid growth, requiring more vitamin A. Another crucial role of vitamin A in children is enhancing their resistance to common childhood infections such as diarrhea, upper respiratory tract infections, measles, bronchitis, and chickenpox. Additionally, this vitamin has other extraordinary benefits in child growth, including the growth of various body tissues, rapid healing of internal and external processes, assistance in tissue regeneration, improvement of active wounds, and impact on the growth of bones, teeth, and various tissues in terms of proper physical and structural development.
Vitamin C: One of the essential vitamins for strengthening the immune system, growth, and children’s health is vitamin C. Children who do not receive sufficient amounts of this vitamin in their diet are more susceptible to infections and diseases. This vitamin plays a crucial role in skin health, bone health, and connective tissue health by producing collagen. Its presence is vital for wound healing, surgeries, the growth of new tissues, and reducing inflammations. Another important role of this vitamin is enhancing the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. Therefore, children with a deficiency in this vitamin mainly experience fatigue and weakness. Children who receive an adequate amount of vitamin C have better cognitive and brain function because this vitamin has a direct impact on the brain
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that plays a primary role in the health of the skeletal system. Deficiency in this vitamin is associated with growth-related consequences. Short stature (compared to age) and poor growth in children under five years old are considered a significant global challenge. Scientific sources today indicate that the level of vitamin D in the blood is related to short stature and poor growth. Additionally, this vitamin, by influencing the skeletal system, prevents rickets in children. Other benefits of this vitamin in the body include the absorption of dietary calcium from the intestine, its purification in the blood, and its storage in the bones.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E, with its antioxidant function, eliminates free radicals and protects against cellular damage. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and plays a crucial role in skin and eye health. Numerous studies also show that vitamin E consumption is essential for the growth and regeneration of the nervous system. If children do not receive an adequate amount of this vitamin, it can lead to neurological symptoms.
Vitamin B Complex: It includes B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12, each playing a vital role in various bodily functions. Regardless of the importance of each member of the B vitamin group, the total of these vitamins is crucial for releasing energy from fats and carbohydrates. Deficiency in B vitamins can lead to metabolic problems such as obesity or a decrease in body energy levels.
Vitamin B1: This vitamin is responsible for energy production in the child’s body and is essential for converting carbohydrates and other carbohydrates into energy in the child’s body. Another advantage of using this vitamin is the transmission of nerve signals from the brain to various parts of the body. It also helps strengthen nerves and healthy muscles in children.
Vitamin B2: The child’s body needs this vitamin for fueling, building, and producing energy. In fact, the processing of nutrients in the cardiovascular system through aerobic energy production is the responsibility of this vitamin, maintaining the health of cells at an optimal level. This vitamin contributes to improving vision and skin health. A deficiency in vitamin B2 can lead to cracked and reddened skin, mouth ulcers, sore throat, and even anemia.
Vitamin B3: This vitamin is essential for maintaining the health of the skin, nerves, and digestion. The lack of this vitamin, due to the destruction of neurons and a reduction in serotonin, causes a decrease in the child’s appetite, and lack of appetite is the first sign of vitamin B3 deficiency. Deficiency in this vitamin can lead to memory loss and other symptoms such as depression, fatigue, headaches, skin discoloration, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Vitamin B6: Children need a significant amount of this vitamin to improve the functioning of the nervous system. This vitamin plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and the body’s nervous system. Vitamin B6 plays a significant role in better digestion of food and improving the body’s immune system. This vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the child’s brain, regulating their mood, and reducing stress. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the entire body. Vitamin B6 is involved in the production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin. If the level of vitamin B6 in the body decreases significantly, problems such as anemia or anemia may occur. In this situation, the number of red blood cells decreases, leading to fatigue and weakness. A deficiency in vitamin B6 reduces the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases. Additionally, a deficiency in this vitamin can lead to depression, tongue swelling, anemia, lip cracking, nervous system disorders, dizziness, and corner-of-the-mouth cracks.
Vitamin B12: Research has shown that the presence of this vitamin has a significant impact on body metabolism. Since the human body cannot produce this vitamin, it must be obtained through food or supplements. In the case of a deficiency in this vitamin, the production of red blood cells decreases, leading to anemia, and as a result, oxygen delivery to tissues becomes compromised. Vitamin B12 deficiency in the body can affect the peripheral and central nervous system, leading to diseases such as depression. Furthermore, a deficiency in this vitamin in the body can be a cause of chronic fatigue, weakness, and lack of concentration. One of the essential vitamins required for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is vitamin B12, and this connection between vitamin B12 and the thyroid explains diseases that occur due to a deficiency of vitamin B12.
Folic Acid: Folic acid is essential for our bodies because many of our vital activities depend on it. One of the crucial functions of folic acid in our bodies is related to cell division. Therefore, in tissues that are constantly growing, especially during childhood and adolescence, sufficient folic acid must be available. Folic acid is essential for mental health and proper brain function. Additionally, symptoms of folic acid deficiency include loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, tongue sores, headaches, heart palpitations, emotional disorders, and fatigue.
Iron: About 6 to 15 percent of children worldwide suffer from iron deficiency. Preventing iron deficiency in children is crucial because iron deficiency early in life can lead to behavioral and intellectual performance problems. Iron’s benefits in children’s health include providing energy because iron plays an effective role in converting blood sugar into energy. Iron, by binding to the oxygen in hemoglobin, enables the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.




1 milliliter (25 drops) daily or as directed by a physician.

This product is a dietary supplement and is not intended for diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. In case of any side effects, discontinue the use of the product and consult with your healthcare professional.

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